Why become a member
ESSA - European Sprouted Seeds AssociationWhy become a member
Membership in the European Sprouted Seeds Association (ESSA) is open to sprout producers established in the EU or in non-EU countries (full membership), but also to seeds suppliers and other service providers with an interest in the sprouts industry (associated membership).
ESSA members have access to material specially prepared for the membership. They receive updates on the activities of the association and developments relating to trade, food safety, good hygiene practices, labelling and other relevant matters.
The membership of ESSA is balanced between its various membership categories and members’ focus. This guarantees a good balance of interest and a wide diversity of expertise available to the association.
Besides granting to the association the strengths of their support and their professional input, members of ESSA benefit from a wide range of services and advantages enabling them to understand and meet the many challenges the sprouted seeds sector faces today. ESSA members are at the forefront of fresh produce sector developments. In the membership fee grant a great return on the investment!
ESSA members are at the forefront of fresh produce sector developments.
Continually gain knowledge
- Timely updates on European policy-making.
- Bespoke personal advice on technical EU legislation and legislative developments.
- Exchange with players right across the supply chain from across Europe and beyond providing you with invaluable knowledge and insights.
- In-depth information on European Union legislative proposals, implementation, implications and procedures.
Increase your business potential
- Increase your business potential through intelligence gathering on current European Union legislative processes.
- Contribute to common positions on European legislation to achieve harmonization across Europe.
Get your voice heard
- Have direct and face-to-face exchanges with European Commission officials in charge of legislative developments.
- Contribute to ESSA’s activities and make a difference to the future of your business.
- Enhance the visibility of your business within the supply chain at EU level.
Network and connect with stakeholders
- Network with the sector’s players.
- Connect with like-minded business professionals through knowledge sharing in Association meetings and discussions.
Be part of the European sprouted seeds sector
- Stand out and get noticed as an active member of the EU sprouted seeds community.